Pitted Acne Scars: What are They & Treatment

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Pitted Acne Scars

What are pitted acne scars?

Pitted acne scars are an acne scar type classified specifically as an ice-pick scar and are characterized by a pitted, indent impression in the skin.

Indented acne scars vs pitted acne scars

Indented acne scars vs pitted acne scars: How are they different?

Pitted acne scars are a type of indented acne scar.

Indented acne scars are all types of acne scarring where there wasn’t enough collagen during the healing process to fully heal the skin so the skin heals with a hollow, indented scar. The indented scar types are pitted, ice-pick, rolling, boxcar and atrophic.

The opposite of indented scars are called raised scars and include hypertrophic and keloid scars.

What causes pitted acne scars?

Pitted acne scars are caused when an inflamed acne scar heals without enough collagen to support the level re-growth of skin, causing the formation of a pitted, indented scar.

Pitted Scar Treatment

There are different methods to treat pitted scars:

  • Microneedling: Microneedling is a great treatment for pitted scars and is one that can be done both at home with a microneedling roller as well as in a professional setting.

    Microneedling causes easily healable “micro-injuries” in the skin, that stimulates healing and collagen production as well as removes the top layer of damaged skin, allowing space for new healthy skin to grow underneath.

    Microneedling also opens the skin up to better receive healing ingredients deeper into the skin, so putting an acne scar Vitamin C serum or copper peptide serum on skin after at-home microneedling for acne scars and after in-clinic microneedling helps the skin during the healing process.

  • Fillers: Fillers are a material injected into the skin under the scar to plump it up and make it look more full. There are temporary, semi-permanent and permanent filler options, and they have side effects that include irritation, redness and even infection. Permanent fillers may need to be removed when they run into complications as well.
  • Punch excision and punch elevation: Punch excision can be used on pitted icepick as well as boxcar scars, but is more suited for boxcar scars without underlying fibrosis is indicated for icepick and boxcar scars. Punch elevation is best suited for treatment of broad boxcar scars without underlying fibrosis.

    Punch excision can only performed by a professional certified dermatologist, meaning you will need to contact yours and see if you’re a fit for the procedure or what other treatment makes the most sense for your specific situation.

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